
Life Lately

Hello friends! Wow it has been a long time since I have been on blogger, but it has been fun getting acquainted with it again. I have decided to start blogging again for a fun outlet for myself as I begin the next crazy journey in my life. I will make this short because I don't want to type a lot tonight.

I spent the past 3 years in the Army, the 82nd Airborne Division to be exact, it has been fun, but life had other plans and I am moving on. I will be getting out of the army this February (in a few weeks).

On January 12th I got to marry the man of my dreams, William. We met about 2 years ago through mutual friends and immediately hit it off.

I am currently 16 weeks pregnant with a sweet baby girl on the way! Surprise! (Just kidding... most everybody in our lives knows) So yes, for all the curious ones out there, Will and I did expedite our marriage due to the news of my pregnancy. It was already in the cards for us and we knew we wanted to be together, but with the Army being the way that it is, our process got sped up. We do not regret it at all! :)

Will found out he was being stationed in Okinawa, Japan this past August and I will be following him there in April.

I am excited for the next chapter in our lives and welcome anyone to follow along on this blog.

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